In these times of technology, screens have become a necessary part of our life and outdoor activities have completely vanished. In this era, the prevalence of myopia is at its peak and the ones who are the most affected by this are our kids as they get stuck to the screen whenever they get a chance.
Here, we will go through what myopia is, its common causes and symptoms and the problems faced by the children concerning myopia.
Common causes of myopia
Myopia is a problem when distant objects look blurry while close objects look normal. This problem often begins at the ages of 6 and 14. It affects an estimated 5% of preschoolers, 9% of school-aged and 30% of adolescents.
Myopia can be a genetic problem as well. If the parents are suffering from myopia then there is a higher chance that the kid will also be suffering from the same.
Limited exposure to sunlight can also cause this problem. This is because sunlight helps to regulate the growth of the eyeball and also plays a role protectant against myopia development.
Lack of nutrition
Some research has suggested that lack of nutrition leads to the development of Myopia. Proper intake of nutritious food can prevent the chance of myopia.
Screen time
The increased use of digital devices is correlated with the higher chances of Myopia.
Symptoms of myopia
One has a higher chance of myopia if they spend most of their time on screen. Here are symptoms that can help you to know whether your kid is suffering from Myopia or not:
Blurred vision
One can feel a blurred vision like they notice close things clear but the distant objects remain to be blurry.
Squinting is basically closing one eye or partially closing the eyes to see distant objects.
After an extended period of reading or screen time, one may feel a headache.
After the activities that require prolonged near focus, one might feel tiredness or discomfort in the eyes.
Difficulty at night
Kids with myopia find it difficult to see in low light conditions due to the eye’s inability to focus light properly onto the retina.
When to control myopia
In kids, myopia should be controlled as soon as it is detected. This is important so that the kid can be prevented from the developing stages of Myopia. If myopia is already present then starting intervention can help a lot in slowing down the progression and reduce the higher risk of complications.
How to control myopia in kids
Controlling Myopia in kids can include a variety of changes in their lifestyle. It might include:
Screen time
Reduce the amount of screen time, especially for the activities that require a constant near focus.
Outdoor time
Encourage your child to spend more time in outdoor activities as research says that exposure to natural light reduces the risk of myopia progression.
Proper lighting
Ensure that your children’s study area has sufficient light which will help in reducing eye strain.
Regular eye check
Regular check-ups are required as they will help in the early detection of problems and one can take timely intervention for the problem.
Atropine eye drops
These eye drops are usually applied once daily and are prescribed by doctors to reduce the chances of Myopia progression.
A lifestyle change can also reduce the chance of myopia. All you have to do is follow a proper food habit and adequate sleep with regular physical activity.
Eye paediatrician
One needs to have a proper eye test to decrease the risk factors of myopia. Dr. Jawahar Lal Rohatgi Smarak Netra Chikitsalaya in Kanpur is providing the best services in this field with the best equipment. Their eye paediatricians are experienced and help you to cure your problem as soon as possible.
Our eyes are the most beautiful and important part but in the technology era, they are getting affected the most as we spend most of our time on these screens. Kids are getting in control of myopia as they also prefer to have screen time rather than outdoor activities.
The main causes that lead to Myopia are more screen time and less exposure to natural light. One should control the screen time of kids and change their lifestyle. If your kid faces the symptoms then you can refer to Dr. Jawahar Lal Rohatgi Smarak Netra Chikitsalaya eye pediatrician as they will help you figure out the next steps.
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