With each passing day, we are becoming more dependent on digital devices. We must understand its impact on our eyes. In fact, more people are experiencing eye strain and headache symptoms nowadays. It is important to stay aware of what causes this and to prevent any serious damage. Let’s learn more about eye strain headaches.

An Overview of Eyestrain Headache

When you engage your eyes in something for a prolonged period, you may develop an eye strain or headache. For example, using a computer, reading, or using mobile devices for longer periods. 

It causes discomfort in your eyes. You may experience a dull, aching sensation around your eyes. However, it can extend to nearby areas such as the neck, forehead or temples. So if you are experiencing frequent headaches it can be related to your eye health. 

Popular Causes of Eyestrain Headaches

Though longer screen time is considered as one of the prime causes there are many factors that can lead to eye strain headache. Some of the well-known ones are these:  

  • Lower Lighting: If you spend most of your time in a room that has poor lighting, it can cause strain on your eyes. Poor lighting can be overly bright or too dim. 
  • Wrong Numbered Glasses: For different vision needs, there are specific lenses or glasses types. So if the one you are using does not meet your vision needs, then it will lead to eye strain and headache. 
  • Poor Posture: If you have a habit of not sitting straight or sitting in a poor posture for your body while doing prolonged activity, then it can be one of the causes. This affects your eye alignment, leading to tension around your eyes. 

Potential Complications of Eyestrain Headaches

Eye strain headache may not be that problem for you. However, if you don’t find out its underlying causes, then it will lead to serious complications later. Frequent eye strain headaches for a long time can result in these conditions: 

  • Exacerbation of Existing Vision Problems: If you are already suffering from any vision issues, then eye strain can increase the symptoms. 
  • Increased Frequency of Headaches: Untreated chronic eye strain can be the reason for intense headaches or the more frequent ones. This can affect your day-to-day life. 
  • Disruption of Daily Activities: Frequent headaches can affect your everyday routines and productivity. Thus, you may find it hard to focus on the tasks. 

Therefore, it is important to seek preventive measures before the problem increases. 

Effective Remedies for Eye Strain Headaches

Luckily, there are a number of remedies that you can use to relieve your eye strain headache. Some of the most effective ones are here: 

  • Taking Regular Breaks: Taking breaks from any prolonged activity that involves your eyes is a must. You can follow the 20-20-20 rule. This means you must take a 20-second break to look at something that is 20 feet away within every 20 minutes. This practice can reduce the strain. 
  • Adjusting Work Environment: Always ensure you spend your time in a room with proper lighting. Look for an ergonomic setup when you work on a computer. These practices lower the strain on your eyes.
  • Using Artificial Tears: You can use lubricating eye drops to reduce the dryness in your eyes. The dryness occurs due to long exposure to the screen. 
  • Eye Exercises: You must also perform eye exercises. It involves focusing on objects kept at a distance. This helps relax the eye muscles. 

Preventive Measures to Avoid Eyestrain Headaches

Now that you know the effects of eye strain headache and its causes, it would be great if you could learn how to prevent it. 

  • Take Regular Eye Exams: Get your eyes checked by reputed professionals to ensure your vision is being regularly assessed. It helps correct any issues in the early stages. 
  • Wear Corrective Lenses: Always wear glasses or contact lenses that are suitable for your eye prescription.
  • Maintain Proper Screen Distance: you must place your device at an appropriate height and distance. It should be around 20 to 30 inches away from you and should be at your eye level. 
  • Limit Screen Time: Reduce your screen time and focus on activities that do not involve screen use. 

Say No to Eyestrain Headaches

It is very important to know about the signs and reasons for eye strain headaches. It allows you to manage and even prevent this issue in the first place. So be sure to follow the suggestions provided above. 

However, if you frequently experience eyestrain headaches or are concerned about your vision, consider consulting our expert eye care team at Dr. Jawahar Lal Rohatgi Memorial Eye Hospital in Kanpur. Our advanced ophthalmic centre offers cutting-edge solutions tailored to your vision health needs, ensuring you receive the best care possible. Visit our website for more information and scheduling options.